financial aid office for college students

Financing your Education

Going to college is an investment. As you complete your courses, you’ll gain valuable skills that will help you procure and succeed in your future careers.

Fortunately, while the cost of tuition at career colleges across Ontario might seem daunting at first, our dedicated team of Financial Aid advisors is here to help ensure you receive as much funding and financial aid as possible.

At CTS Canadian Career College, our Financial Aid advisors are highly experienced, with the department submitting dozens of successful funding applications each week, helping our students offset the costs of their tuition. The team works with every applicant, walking you through the available scholarships, grants, and other funding options available.

Meeting with our Financial Aid department will occur in the natural course of all applicants, so rest assured that you’ll be able to see the whole array of funding available should you wish to study with us. If you’re curious what that process involves, please contact one of our campuses to speak with our team directly or send a request from our online inquiry form.

Financial Aid Options We Help Our Students Secure

As discussed above, our team is here to help you secure the funding you need to make your postsecondary education more affordable. We always pursue all available options and aim to earn you as much aid as possible.

Some of the options for financial aid that we go over with our applicants include:

  • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
  • Scholarships
  • Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)
  • In-House Financing
  • Sponsorships
  • Canadian Government Funding
  • Student Lines of Credit
  • Other Funding

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

OSAP is the foundational student assistance program in Ontario, offering postsecondary students an array of grants and loans to help cover the cost of their studies. 

What separates the Financial Aid team here at CTS from other colleges is that our team will work effortlessly to help ensure you receive the maximum amount of financial assistance. We work with every student on a case by case basis, building their funding applications according to their specific situation and financial needs.

Any questions about whether you qualify or how much you could receive can be worked out with our Financial Aid staff who are well-versed in the program. Feel free to reach out through our inquiry form.

Additionally, more information on OSAP applications can be found through the government portal



One of the exciting ways that some students can offset their tuition costs is through scholarships.

CTS Canadian Career College has recently expanded the availability of our CTS High School Scholarship. The $2,500 scholarship is now available for all recent and eligible high school graduates. For more information, please ask your student admissions or financial aid advisor for more information.

Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)

The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) is a Canadian Government initiative that allows you to withdraw amounts from RRSPs to finance training or education for you or your spouse or common-law partner. This plan allows RRSP holders to withdraw money interest free provided that they use it for their education.

If you’re curious about this option, please bring it up with your admissions advisor. 

Additional details for this program can be found here: Lifelong Learning Plan

CTS College Interest-Free Pre-Authorization Payment Plan

CTS Canadian Career College is here to help you in any way possible, which is why we offer in-house financing for eligible students. 

Our internal financing has been developed to assist students who qualify and are in need of an alternative financial plan to assist in reaching their goals. Our mission is to help those who are willing to help themselves.

In-house financing depends on your program and specific situation. Best of all, our pre-authorization plans are available interest free! If you have questions, please get in touch with our Financial Aid department at any of our campuses.

Special Situation Sponsorships

Depending on your situation and background, there are certain third-party sponsorship programs for which you might qualify. The funding varies depending on the sponsorship and their own internal criteria to be worked out with them should you choose to go that route. 

Depending on your situation, some possible scholarships could be secured through First Nations Educational Funding programs or the Metis Nations of Ontario.

Human Resources Development Canada

The Department of Human Resources Development Canada is part of a federal initiative to help streamline Canada’s investment strategy in its own people. 

There are several options available through this department, including:

  • Canada Student Loans Program 
  • Employment Insurance Retraining Program 
  • Registered Educational Savings Plan 

Our admissions team will consider all of these options for you when you apply.

Student Lines of Credit

Most financial institutions offer lines of credit for the purpose of education for students. Our team can explain these in more detail, but you may wish to inquire with your bank to determine what options are available.

Other Funding

Finally, there are several additional sources for third-party funding covered by external sources and government agencies. 

Depending on your situation, you also also be eligible for one of these sources of financial aid. Our team will go over your details and the requirements with you to see if you qualify for any of these options as well.

Canadian Armed Forces Funding

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board